GNU/Linux Yoast WP CLI Indexing Easy Guide

GNU/Linux Yoast WP CLI Indexing Guide [quads id=8] Hi! The Tutorial Shows You Step-by-step How to Index a WordPress Website for Yoast SEO using the WP CLI. And to Yoast WP CLI Indexing your posts securely you have to make use of the www-data Non Login User. 1. Accessing www-data Shell Fist, you have to Access www-data Shell Simply with: sudo -u www-data sh 2. Indexing Posts Now to Index WordPress Posts with WP CLI Use: wp –path=’/var/www/[PATH2WPSITE]’ yoast index Replace [PATH2WPSITE] with your current one in the above Command. So for instance: wp –path=’/var/www/html/’ yoast index

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